Thursday, November 23, 2006

Money Makeover

You come home after a long day at work only to find numerous unwanted bills
in your mailbox. As you sift though them, you start to get that sinking
feeling. You know there is no way you can afford to pay all of them on time.
It's at this time that you remember that you have a vacation coming up and
you want to make the most of it. What you really need now is a money
makeover and this is how you do it.

No makeover is ever complete without a before picture. Take a financial
snapshot, sometimes called a net worth statement.
Imagine you are going to sell everything you own and you are taking that
money to pay off all your debts and normal monthly expenses like rent, cable
and telephone bills. Then count what is left, if you didn't know what net
worth meant before, you sure will now.

The next step to take is to make a plan. You need to write down all the
steps you need to take to achieve a goal. You're finances should be
reasonable, specific, and realistic. There should be a time frame for all
your goals so that you know that you can handle all those payments that need
to be made.

This step is going to be the most difficult. You really have to stop
spending! That means most if not all those luxuries must end, the manicure
or pedicure, the monthly hair cut, the shopping every payday, that all has
to stop. You are never going to get financially caught up if you just keep

If and when you do spend, which should only be for necessities at this point
like groceries, keep track of what you spend.
Write down everything, this will give you a good visual like a monetary
blueprint. You might even be able to find ways to cut corners and save.

And that is ultimately what everyone needs to do. We all need to save, it
never occurs to people that an emergency can come up and you will need extra
money to cover them. Let's say you need to go to the doctor and it turns out
you need surgery. You need to be able to cover the costs that your insurance
coverage does not and you need to be able to survive for those days you are
recovering and not working. What happens when you get into a car accident
even though it's not your fault? You should have money on reserve so that
you are not digging yourself a hole you may not be able to get out of. Using
credit cards that you cannot afford to pay off in full at the end of the
month is only delaying the problems.

One way to save is to downsize. If you are struggling with your mortgage
move into a smaller home or an apartment. You could try renting out a room.
Sell what you don't use, unless it's a family heirloom. I know you probably
have a desk, table, or even computer around the house that doesn't get used
at all.
You might have baby clothes that don't fit anymore. You can use websites
like or or you can go the more
traditional route and have a yard/garage sale. It will be successful and you
will have extra cash in your pocket.
Along the lines of selling, if you have two cars, get rid of the one you use
the least. When you do you will have what seems like a fortune because you
don't have to spend your hard earned money on the car payments, insurance,
registration, and gas.

About The Author: "Your" Money Matters By Carl Hampton From the Author of
"From Credit Despair To Credit Millionaire"

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