Saturday, November 25, 2006

Quick and Easy Budgets: How To Take Control Of Your Finances

If the thought of making a budget horrifies you, then the chances are pretty
good that you are in need of setting one up. Usually, anyone who cringes as
the thought of a budget is a person who needs help with his or her finances.
What you may not know is just how helpful a budget can be, not only to help
you put away funds for now, but to also help you build your financial future
for the long haul. Besides, you may not realize it, but it could be much
easier than you think to make a budget for yourself that works so well that
you will really enjoy following it.

To get yourself started and on the right road for a budget, you should put
together all of your income information. A good idea is to grab three months
of your pay stubs and so on so that you can figure out a pretty good idea or
a rough estimate of what the average monthly income is for your household.
If you usually work overtime, you may want to leave this amount out of your
calculations, as overtime may not always be readily available and cannot
help you if you are not working it.

Next up, you are going to want to gather up all of your bills from the past
three months as well. Obviously, you should add up all of the amounts that
you owe each month from all of your bills. Then, you can take this total and
divide it by three to see how much you are paying for loans, rent, etc.
every single month.

After that is figured out, you can take and add together all of the amounts
that you have for miscellaneous monthly expenses such as clothes, food, gas
and so on. Then, you go through and divide this total by three just like you
did with your monthly bills. When you add this monthly total to the other
one, this should give you a good idea of where your money is going every
single month.

>From here, you can go through and look at everything that
you are paying out. This is a good time to see if there are any places where
you can cut some corners and maybe save yourself some money in the long run.
Whatever you find yourself cutting out, you can set it aside in a separate
bank account than the one that you use to pay all of your bills and so on.
You would be amazed at just how fast your extra money can build up over
time. Then, you will be able to take some of it out every couple of months
or so and pay off some extra bills. Or, you could even keep the money in the
account and keep it toward a down payment for a new home or maybe even a new

Liz Roberts is a loan consultant with NHBSInc. They specialize in providing
sub prime financing. Click here for a list of credit cards for people with
bad credit or seeking to rebuild their credit

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